5 Tips to Find Your Perfect Fact Checking Services Company

5 Tips to Find Your Perfect Fact Checking Services Company

There is a wise thought “Misinformation destroys trust. When you destroy trust, you destroy the bonds that hold society together.” No doubt, Misinformation ruins the lives of the community. Not just them, even they ruin businesses too. According to a market report, companies spreading rumours or fake information register a loss of 0.05% of their overall stock market value. And every year, companies are losing out $78 billion due to fake news (2019 report). Does not it seems a massive amount? Yes, it is!

Now, the question is, how can your organization tackle such circumstances? Proofreaders? No! Collaborate with the fact checking services company who will evaluate facts on your company’s behalf. Do you not know the process? Here is how!

How to find the perfect fact checking services company?

With the growing digital era, the age of misinformation is also increasing. So, how will your company will choose a reliable service provider dealing with fact checking? Read these tips also for virtual reality given below!

  1. Research is the crucial

For every company, researching before the development and launch of the product is crucial. Likewise, collaborating with a reliable fact checking company means loads of research and effort is required with help of virtual reality animation. Why? It is all about your brand’s credibility, and no company on this planet is ready to take risks with its reputation.

According to one fact, 34% of companies lose out their brand’s credibility because they do not research. Well, here research is not about content marketing but about the association with fact checking services company so, if your company is hunting for the same, research about their past works, testimonials and ask for a free quote as possible.

  1. What do they check?

Well, businesses are not limited to corporates; even healthcare and academic domains are also present on the planet. So, a reliable and professional online fact checking service provider evaluates information across different platforms. Whether it is a social media, online portal or print documents, service providers do not ignore any of them!

Fact checking experts have years of experience in rectifying misinformation from different channels. One sad report shows that only 21% of readers believe internet information is true and accurate! Hence, if your company is in the digital and other industry domains, collaborate with a service provider that provides customized solutions for all platforms.

  1. Good ratings and reviews are only not enough

Is your company worried about a good rated agency? Read this fact carefully. One of the top search engines removed 56 billion reviews and ratings of users from the digital space. Why? It is because these testimonials were violating internet protocols. Hence, clients must not get fascinated with fake reviews and testimonials.

Instead, your company must check their quality of service. Does a fact checking company provide 100% accurate information? Do they present pure facts with exact figures or statistics? If both answers are yes, then collaborate with them. Remember, the best sign of a fact checking services company is that they debunk claims and serve trustworthy information.

  1. Not add their opinions

Sometimes, there are cases where service providers include their opinion. As a result, it shows the manipulation with original information. As we all know, manipulated data is not a good sign for any company or client; it will only lead to your company’s downfall. Hence, choose the service provider which investigates and provide accurate facts without manipulating them.

One thing every client should note down that opinions change the consent. But facts reveal the truth with accurate facts and figures. Certified fact checkers at professional service providers have knowledge across all industry domains. They just disseminate information with proper statistics that portray only the true information.

  1. Combat fake news

Fake news is the next disaster, and if the client is reading this post, they might have understood its impact on their company. According to one stat, 52% of businesses encounter fake news, and 10% of them share this information as well. Not just it is unethical, but the violation of crime as well. Hence, a reliable fact checking services company must build information’s accuracy by combating fake news.

Certified experts eliminate the misguided information from the internet and combat fake news strongly.  They have advanced tools, the fact checking team and subject matter experts who are aware of the latest development in industries. Reliable service providers do the factual reporting and deliver 100% plagiarism free content to clients. Remember, 53% of internet users read news on social media channels, and out of the 30% is fake ones. Thus, social media channels should also need to collaborate with fact checking companies.

fact Checking service

Final Words: Which Online Fact Checking Service Provider Is Best For My Company?

Loads of misinformation and other false facts are hampering businesses worldwide. And the major concern is according to time, the rate of fake information will also increase 10% yearly. Thus, Acadecraft UK is the saviour for your company, providing 100% accurate fact checking services. Our certified experts eliminate the fake agendas and deliver the reliable solutions to clients worldwide. Another best thing about us is 24*7 technical assistance to our valuable business partners.

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